We desire to bring a variety of local teaching skills and talents together that can influence and train a generation of children with Judeo Christian principles and attitudes. Object lessons can include Math, Science, and History with much wisdom from God's Word.

It is our intention to; Proverbs 22: "train up a child in the way they should go so they will not depart from Godly character." We believe this is the time to fill the gap of learning with online classes aimed at making disciples at an early age to have their hope set on the things above.
Local Christian teachers can help young people to have valuable lessons on love and mercy.

Introduction to finance and budget setting.
Computer Programming - Word Processing, Exel, Powpoint
Music exposure and worship goals - Learning insturments
Outreach Tools - Float assembly, PA Engineering
Sewing - How to use sewing machine and mend cloths
History about God's creation and design for earth and all living things.
Teaching of Jesus' parables and how they affect our outlook on fairness.
Wisdom from Proverbs.

Tools and Format:
1. Original scripts and curriculum.
2. Original music and skit writing for learning.
3. Flexible sound stage for semi-permanent sets for classes.
4. Professional video and sound recording for online formats.
5. Qualified educators with valuable lessons.
Vocational Learning Online Program Proposal
The classroom is a very important concept for learning and growing. As we face this health crisis it will be important to adjust to type of education that afford safety for both the teachers and the children. It has changed the way we see the human culture in the future.
This familiar learning center was a paramount educational program.
Activities would include:
Video Topic Suggestions
Ideas pdf from: Stan Anderson - Local Museums and Attractions
Videos of the Great Outdoors
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